2024-2026 Strategic Plan
Rebuilding Together Kansas City is casting its vision for the future. This future includes greater impact, greater numbers of neighbors served, and greater circles of those we call partners. Rebuilding Together Kansas City's staff and Board of Directors have developed a strategic plan to guide these efforts through 2026. From increasing staff capacity to cultivating new corporate partnerships to increasing the numbers of homes we repair annually, we're looking at a bright future for our organization. Download our 2024-2026 strategic plan here or continue reading below to learn more about where we are headed and how you can get involved. Questions? E-mail Executive Director Scott Hickox at scott@rebuildingtogetherkc.org.

Key Initiatives
* Improve Organizational Health *
* Secure Financial Sustainability *
* Increase Community Impact *
* Build Strategic Partnerships *
* Create Market Awareness *
Goal #1: Improve organizational health by ensuring that the Board and staff are equipped to lead Rebuilding Together Kansas City into the future. We will do this by increasing staff capacity, updating internal processes, equipping and training leadership, and securing long-term stability.
Goal #2: Secure financial stability by ensuring that resources are available for Rebuilding Together Kansas City to accomplish all initiatives in the short-term, as well as secure a long-term future. We will do this by cultivating and growing both individual and corporate giving. We will also expand donor engagement events and secure long-term financial stability with a Legacy Fund.
Goal #3: Increase community impact by annually increasing the number of homes repaired, hazards eliminated, and volunteers engaged. We will do this by expanding volunteer capacity, increasing repair projects, and strengthening foresight and planning.
Goal #4: Build strategic partnerships by identifying and cultivating key funding, contractor, and corporate volunteer partners. We will do this by growing our network of strategic community partners, recapturing past strategic partners, and expanding our cadre of professional partners.
Goal #5: Create market awareness by consistently communicating a compelling story to a growing audience. We will do this by building a marketing strategy through planning, building up and/or improving marketing assets, and increasing brand awareness in the community.
Successful pursuit of these goals will be that by the end of 2026, we will repair 300 homes annually. Check out our other measures for success by downloading the full plan here.