Crew Information and Pre-Project Worksheet

Crew Information & Pre-Project Details

Please list the name of the person who will be in charge of running to get materials and supplies on Rebuilding Day. This is to ensure the House Captain is on-site while the project is in progress.

List of Repairs

Please list one repair per box.

Project Totals

The amount your crew intends to pay toward your project.
The amount your crew has raised during fundraising efforts or collected donations for your project.
Please put the total estimated expenses to your project here.
Crew Contribution (above) plus Additional Contributions (above) minus Total Expenses (above).
Please list any contractors to be obtained by your crew and their contact information.
Please describe any contractors you will need RTKC to obtain for your project.

Waste Hauling Needs

Selected Value: 1
On a scale of 1-10 with One being light and Ten being Very Heavy
Selected Value: 1
If you are unsure of how many people will be helping you on RD, please give us your estimated amount. It is ok if you over estimate. For example if you believe you will have between 10-20 people. Please choose 20 as your answer.
Please note that when you click on a size another question will come up asking you how many of that size.
In case of bad weather?