About Us


about us

At Rebuilding Together Kansas City, we make essential repairs to help our most vulnerable neighbors - including low-income families, seniors, individuals with disabilities, and veterans - stay in their homes.

Our Mission

Repairing homes, revitalizing communities, rebuilding lives.

Our Vision

Safe homes and communities for everyone.

What We Do

Rebuilding Together Kansas City provides critical repairs and safety modifications - free of charge - for our most vulnerable neighbors in need. This includes repairs such as wood rot repair, solving plumbing and electrical issues, and roof/gutter repairs, as well as tools and modifications that increase the accessibility of our neighbors' homes. These modifications include grab bars, railings, low-rise steps, wheelchair ramps, and more.

Thanks to the work of Rebuilding Together Kansas City, low-income homeowners are able to address code violations and obstacles to livability. Thanks to Rebuilding Together Kansas City, seniors are able to age in place for as long as possible. Thanks to Rebuilding Kansas City, our service members and veterans are able to afford and enjoy safe, clean, healthy homes.

4% Statistic

Who We Serve

Applications for repairs are received throughout the year, and families and individuals that fall within our income guidelines (50% of Housing and Urban Development's poverty level for this area) are approved for estimates. Projects are completed as funding is secured.

2025 Statics for Social

Our History

Inspired by his experiences with the Rebuilding Together affiliate in Wichita Falls, Texas, Liberty leader Clay McQuerry wanted to have similar experiences in his own local community. Clay started the Clay County affiliate with the first meeting of its board on June 21, 2001. Articles of incorporation were completed and Rebuilding Together Kansas City was approved as a 501(3) organization effective March 29, 2002.

The Clay County, Missouri affiliate began as "Rebuilding Together Liberty," but changed to "Rebuilding Together Kansas City" in 2017 when our services grew to include Platte and Jackson Counties.

About National Rebuilding Together (RTI)

Rebuilding Together Kansas City is a local affiliate of Rebuilding Together, Inc. (RTI), one of the largest volunteer organizations in the United States focused on transforming the homes and lives of low-income families, seniors, people living with disabilities, and veterans. Formerly known as "Christmas in April," RTI changed its name in 2000. Since its inception in 1972, it has grown to over 120 affiliates across the country.