

2024 Outcomes


Rebuilding Together Kansas City completed a record number of repairs and modifications on homes throughout the Northland, including:

- Fixing dangerous electrical problems
- Repairing faulty plumbing
- Building wheelchair ramps and low-rise steps
- Installing grab bars, hand rails, and tub cutouts
- Installing bathroom assistive devices, such as handheld showers
- Creating more stable and accessible entryways
- And more!


In September 2024, Rebuilding Together Kansas City held its annual volunteer and repair blitz, Rebuilding Day. This is a flagship program of Rebuilding Together, whereby hundreds of volunteers converge on homes across the community to complete critical repairs and safety modifications.

On this day, 23 homes were improved thanks to the work of 250 volunteers that served with us.


Rebuilding Together Kansas City could not accomplish its critical work in the community without the generosity and commitment of is cadre of volunteers. These incredible folks provided over 3,650 service hours in 2024 - at a value of approximately $122,340.

* Per Independent Sector, the value of volunteer time in 2024 was $33.49 an hour.

Applications for repairs are received throughout the year, and families and individuals that fall within our income guidelines (50% of Housing and Urban Development's poverty level for this area) are approved for estimates. Projects are completed as funding is secured.


Without the help of Rebuilding Together Kansas City, the homeowners we serve would not otherwise be able to afford the critical repairs and safety modifications required for them to live in safe, healthy homes.


Our CAPABLE Program (Community Aging in Place - Advancing Better Living for Elders) serves seniors throughout our community. It provides critical repairs and safety/accessibility modifications that allow them to stay in their homes as long as possible, avoiding costly long-term care.